Monday, May 8, 2023

Outcasters Episode 40

AJ and Tim discuss Adventures of the Outsiders #40 from 1986, “Agents of Change”, starting over, Lois Lane, and enjoying downtime.



@BatOutcasters @HuntressPodcast @timprice17

Check out this episode!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Tim and AJ!

    I like the number 36 because it has many factors; it's a good number to teach the high ability math group about prime factorization. 17 is a good prime number, of course. Anyway, let's move on to the prime reason why I'm writing...issue #36 and your episode!

    I did see what you did there with the team intros, Tim, you clever comics commentator.

    I agree with AJ that this is a great cover - the orange really works. I also loved the characterizations in the medal ceremony that you guys mentioned. It really worked. By the way, the medal scene in Star Wars will forever be etched in my mind - the picture cut out during the Death Star scene when we first saw the movie in '77 (we still had sound) and didn't pop back in until the ceremony. Traumatic!

    While I love Alan Davis' art, I do have a bone to pick with the helmet hair he gives both Lia (during the wedding ceremony) and Sapphire (in her scene with Rex). Don't do that to Sapphire especially, Alan from 37 years ago!

    I did enjoy this issue overall and don't really remember this turn that the story took, so I'm interested to see how it progresses. I am perplexed as to why they are taking a cruise from Gotham to L.A. - does that work geographically?

    Okay, I have two more episodes to catch up completely. Talk to you again soon!
