Monday, January 20, 2025

#242 Feathers & Foes: Black Canary #1


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Black Canary 1

Cover date: August 2015

Writer: Brenden Fletcher

Art: Annie Wu

Colorist: Lee Loughridge

Letterer: Steve Wands

Assistant Editor: Dave Wielgosz

Editor: Chris Conroy

Group Editor: Mark Doyle


Title: The Most Dangerous Band in America

Dinah, now calling herself by the initials D.D., has joined a band called Black Canary as their lead singer. The group includes a quasi-manager named Heathcliff, a drummer and all around musician called Lord Byron, a keyboard player named Paloma, and a young mute girl they call Ditto as guitartist.

Unfortunately the Black Canary shows are ending in violence, with Dinah in various fights. One newszine example sites Dinah fighting a group of gunmen. Needless to say, venues are starting to doubt the wisdom of booking the band.

Backstage at the next stop Dinah hesitates, contemplating her bandaged fingers, the tears in her fishnets for a band-aids. However she puts on her boots and strides out on stage.

After the show, Heathcliff tries to get their payment but once again, Dinah has been in a fight, this time with a group of men harassing some women. The venue owner is unhappy, but after spotting Dinah waiting behind her manager, he forks over the money.

On the tour bus en route to their next stop, Lord Byron talks things over with Dinah. Byron tells her how much the record contract they recently signed means to them but that Dinah’s actions risk giving the band a bad name. Plus Byron worries young Ditto couldn’t defend herself if the violence should reach the rest of the band. Dinah is a mystery to her band as well as the public but now Byron asks Dinah to come clean.

Dinah admits she’s lived hard but makes a commitment to end the problems she’s caused. Byron is thrilled when Dinah mentions her Sensei and even more excited when Dinah asks for help with her on stage moves. 

As the band unpacks at the next stop, a mysterious group of three suited individuals watch, talking about finding their target. 

At the sound check, Dinah marvels at the sounds Ditto can evoke from her guitar without help from pedals or electronics.

Backstage before the concert Dinah talks to Heathcliff. He wants to know if this, performing, is really what she wants. Dinah explains she will finish the contract they signed. The money will help rebuild her life, her dojo, her team. Heathcliff asks again if she likes performing. She doesn’t answer, instead stepping out on stage.

Things are going well until Dinah spots the three suited individuals in the crowd. The three transform into inky humanoid alien things. As everyone takes cover, Dinah swings into action, eventually resorting to her Canary Cry to bring the roof down on top of the creatures. Dinah thinks they’re after her, but their ranting make it clear they’re actually after Ditto. The three alien things disappear through the hole in the ceiling.

The band gathers and at first Dinah wants them to disperse while she protects Ditto alone. The band wants to stay together. Dinah says if they are going to do that then they need training, hand to hand first then weapons after that. The rest of the band is a bit stunned.

As the bus travels to the next city, the group has no idea that the three ink humanoid creatures are hanging onto the back of the bus.


Check out this episode!

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