Monday, February 25, 2019

Episode 4: Million to One Shot

Laurel and Ashford discuss issue 4 of the The Huntress, where rival street gangs spare off with The Huntress and civilians caught in the middle.  Although this book displays our hero in great fashion, there are a lot of disturbing themes and imagery in the book, so please keep this in mind when reading the material. 

Check out this episode!

1 comment:

  1. I had a great time reading this post! When it comes to following what you want, the idea of a "million to one shot" truly speaks to me. It makes me think of the time I took a chance on a leather jacket brown, which looked like a minor choice at the time but ended up being one of my better ones. Taking a chance, no matter how tiny, will sometimes pay off handsomely. Continue to share such motivational stuff.
